They are everywhere, smartphones and tablets, being used by people of all ages, especially children. According to the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology, children aged 5 to 11 should spend less than 2 hours of daily screen time. For those aged 2 to 4, it’s less than 1 hour. For young babies and toddlers it’s even less: little or no screen time.
Getting older aches and pains and weight gain are two of the physical consequences of too much screen time. However, the developmental consequences for children are a different story altogether: decreased cognitive and language development, reduced academic success, and even short-term memory and social skills are negatively impacted.
So this week, read, play a board game, or take a walk to your local park with your children.
Preschooler focus: Physical activity and screen time. Child Health & Exercise Program. McMaster University. 2012; 5: 1-2.
Mark AE, Janssen I. Relationship between screen time and metabolic syndrome in adolescents. J Public Health (Oxf). 2008; 30(2): 153-60.
Banks E, Jorm L, Rogers K, Clements M, Bauman A. Screen-time, obesity, ageing and disability: findings from 91 266 participants in the 45 and Up Study. Public Health Nutrition. 2010; 14(1):34-43.
Kim H-J, Kim J-S. The relationship between smartphone use and subjective musculoskeletal symptoms and university students. J Phys Ther Sci. 2015; 27(3): 575-9.
Duch H, Fisher EM, Ensari I, Harrington A. Screen time use in children under 3 years old: A systematic review of correlates. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2013; 10: 102.