Mothers Day Health Tips

Mother’s Day Health Tips

Dr. Edward Chan, DC, R.Ac. Blog

Moms do so much for others, it’s time for mothers to do things for themselves, especially on Mother’s Day and during the month of May.

Care for your mind and body: Taking care of you mentally and physically is a lifelong investment. Mental health activities don’t have to be limited to meditation, just as physical health doesn’t have to be limited to yoga or walks in the park. What activities you choose are up to you! Take a day trip to someplace, eat or drink something you enjoy or play board games. The important thing is you’re treating your mind and your body with the care that is right for you.

Explore your creativity: Expand and explore your creativity beyond the fine arts, it may include things like writing, cooking, gardening, playing musical instruments, metalwork, or solving brain puzzles.

Learn something new: Join a class or join a group to help you learn about a new hobby or skill. That could mean signing up for advanced degrees, listening to podcasts, taking a woodworking class, or absorbing a new documentary.

Invests in your needs and wants, and nobody else’s. Having a “do nothing” day might be just what you need too.