setting up your desk

Setting up Your Desk

Mohsen Rafieian B.Sc. PT, M.Sc. Anat. MCPA Blog

Your desk setup can impact your posture and comfort. Therefore, it is important to calibrate it to your body. Proper desk height is necessary to ensure comfort and avoid injury. Using a desk that is too short will result in Forward Head Posture, Rounded Shoulders and Hunching Over. This leads to neck, upper back and lower back pain. If your …

setting up mouse and keyboard

Setting up Your Mouse and Keyboard

Mohsen Rafieian B.Sc. PT, M.Sc. Anat. MCPA Blog

Improper usage of the mouse and keyboard can result in general soreness and musculoskeletal conditions effecting the wrist, elbow, shoulder and neck. Common conditions include carpal tunnel syndrome and tennis elbow. To prevent impact and stress to these areas when working with a computer, it is recommended to use an adjustable ergonomic keyboard tray. The keyboard height must be leveled …

Setting up Your Computer Monitor

Setting up Your Computer Monitor

Mohsen Rafieian B.Sc. PT, M.Sc. Anat. MCPA Blog

Maintaining good posture, while working on the computer is difficult if your monitor is not set up ergonomically. Bad posture on the computer, often result in positions such as Forward Head Posture, Rounded Shoulders and/or Hunching Forward. This can eventually lead to neck and upper back pain as well as mal-posture complications. In order to prevent these conditions, we recommend …

set up your office chair

How to Set up Your Office Chair

Mohsen Rafieian B.Sc. PT, M.Sc. Anat. MCPA Blog

Sitting for a long period of time often leads to back pain, especially if the chair is not set up to your body. Choosing the proper office chair can help negate the common injuries associated with office work. When calibrating your office chair, it is important that deep seating still provides a gap of roughly four fingers from the back …